Chapter #1158
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+ Epic VI +
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+ Many of the locations, non-player characters, spells, and other +
+ terms used in these stories are the property of Wizards of the Coast +
+ which has in no way endorsed or authorized their use. Any such +
+ property contained within these stories are not representative of +
+ Wizards of the Coast in any fashion. +
+ The player characters depicted in these stories are copyright +
+ 1991-2024 by Thomas A. Miller. Any resemblance to any persons +
+ or characters either real or fictional is utterly coincidental. +
+ Copying and/or distribution of these stories is permissible under +
+ the sole condition that no money is made in the process. In that +
+ case, I hope you enjoy them! +
+ +
+ Belphanior 18th/18th/18th level elven fighter/wizard/thief +
+ Hope 16th level female human wizard +
+ Poulos 8th level human warrior +
+ Irina 14th/7th level female human priestess/warrior +
+ Paige 13th level human female warrior +
+ Razor Charlie 12th level human fighter +
+ Skektek 14th level human wizard +
+ Ys 14th level reptilian fighter +
+ Mongo 20th level dwarven fighter +
+ Parekh 18th level female human wizard, innovator +
+ Drak 15th level human barbarian +
+ Wu 18th level human wizard, transmuter +
+ 6 elite ogre magi +
+ +
+ Date: 6/27/586 C.Y. (Common Year) +
+ Time: midday +
+ Place: the town of Flen, in the Good Hills and Keoland +
+ Climate: cool +
+ "War is the implementation of policy by other means. We _are_ +
+ that means." +
+ - from _Squadron Supreme_ (2006) issue 4 +
MCLVIII. Campaign Planning
After multiple previous meetings and other preparatory activity over
the last months, everything has come together in the lands east of the
giant-infested kingdom of Sterich.
Mongo: Finally.
Belphanior: I appreciate the miners and builders - both dwarves from
this region and displaced Sterish - that you were able to convince to
help us with our work in the Bright Desert.
Mongo: No problem. (he shrugs) They didn't have much to do here anyway,
as people with those skills usually aren't warriors. And it helped that
you and your wizards were able to get them from here to there by magic,
so they didn't have to travel for weeks.
Belphanior: (thinking of Pallin's skill with portals) It was trivial.
Parekh: (thinking of how Pallin doesn't like such powerful magic to be
taken for granted, she smiles thinly to herself)
Mongo: Now when Sterich is re-taken and it's time to rebuild...that'll
be another story. They'll want to come back to their homeland and help whatever you're building to the east, I'd advise you get it
done quick.
Parekh: Trust us, it's moving along better now, thanks to your help with
finding workers.
Mongo: (places both hands on the large table, across which are spread a
variety of maps and notes) But first things first. We have planning
to do...and a kingdom to somehow re-take from giants and the other
Belphanior: And that's why we're here. (he glances to his companions)
Parekh: (nods) We're looking forward to assisting with this.
Drak: (pats the butt of his huge mallet) Damn right.
Wu: (smiles inscrutably)
Belphanior: (cracks his knuckles)
In addition to his two fellow members of the Bright Alliance (and Drak,
and Wu's force of elite ogre magi) the elf had brought the majority of his
own team - with the notable exception of Otto, who was now facing possible
difficulties with the impending cycle of the two moons and the potential
resultant lycanthropy. Accordingly, he was currently elsewhere, along
with Neera, Arusha, and Judhon. While Belphanior would have very much
preferred to have his lieutenant present for the attack on Sterich, he
couldn't take the risk of something unpredictable happening...and he still
had the remainder of his team, all competent veterans who could be counted
on in a fight. And this would surely be a hell of a fight...
Mongo: So as I've said before, I think - and the scouts and officers all
agree - that the best first move here would be to re-take the capital
city of Istivin. It's a three-day march westward from here to there,
following the Davish River. There are surely giants there, but reports
have the bulk of their overall numbers up north, in Geoff. (he frowns)
Which will be the second kingdom we liberate, but the first step seems
to be Sterich. After Istivin is freed and all enemies there are slain,
we can finish the job throughout Sterich. Whether their morale cracks
and they fall apart and flee, or we have to find and fight them all...
we _will_ drive them out. (he clenches his jaw) And then we'll do the
same in Geoff to the north...reclaim what have come to be called the
Lost Lands.
Belphanior: What sort of troop strength do you have? I know you talked
of uniting various groups of surviving, scattered Sterish infantry and
cavalry, plus mountain dwarves and halflings from these hills.
Mongo: (folds his thick, hairy arms) Since we last talked, I've worked
to unite all of the different groups. The remaining Sterish forces have
reformed themselves into five companies - three of medium cavalry plus
two of halberdiers. That's almost eight hundred seasoned veterans from
Sterich - who were based in the Yeomanry and Gran March because of the
ill will toward Keoland for not helping during the wars. But there are
another three thousand able-bodied, fighting-age Sterish folk in those
lands, as well as Keoland, who have pledged themselves to this campaign.
Their training began more than a month ago...they'll be ready.
Belphanior: (nods)
Mongo: Better yet, we've also got a good two thousand seasoned mountain
dwarves, and about half that number each of gnomes and halflings, all
from the Stark Mounds, Jotens, or Little Hills. (he sighs) Like the
Sterish I've mentioned, the bulk of these demi-humans were driven from
their homelands and want to return - and are willing to fight to do it.
I've even heard that a few of these are actually relatives or allies of
the refugees, living here in these hills, who want to help their folk.
Parekh: Solidarity. That's good news.
Mongo: Sure. And here's some more. As part of all this, I've talked to
both the Earl of Sterich - who's exiled in Keoland right now - and the
King of Keoland. (to Belphanior) You may remember him...Kimbertos
Skotti. More than a decade ago, he granted us safe passage through his
lands, after we took down those slaver lords and the Sea Princes came
after us.
Belphanior: (thinking) Ah, yes. That.
Mongo: And, of course, you later had further dealings with the same Sea
Princes. (to Parekh) You were there too, remember?
Parekh: How could I forget?
Drak: This is like a reunion!
Belphanior: (smirks) Except none of the Sea Princes are here...since we
killed them all.
Mongo: Aside from King Skotti helping us way back when, and then helping
you - us - again later by quietly supporting our all-out attack on the
Sea Princes' capital of Monmurg...he's now going to help us again. His
refusal to help his fellow ruler during the wars, due to some political
deal he was trying to make, resulted in a lot of death and suffering in
his neighboring kingdom. But he and the exiled Querchard, of Sterich,
have mended those fences and worked out a new alliance. (he frowns in
anger) A process which may or may not have happened at my insistence,
given my position as the one best suited to lead the campaign to retake
Sterich. I made it crystal clear to both of them that we're in this
fight together - _all_ of us.
Belphanior: (his eyes widen in surprise at this revelation) Well done.
Mongo: And from their deal, I got what I wanted. In addition to all the
provisions our combined army needs for our foray into that now-hostile
land, I'll also have the help of roughly a thousand of Keoland's best
soldiers...half infantry, half heavy cavalry. (he strokes his unkempt
beard) And that's the total of all our forces.
Drak: If my adding is right, that's almost nine thousand troops in total.
Which is a good number, but at some point I heard someone mention that
Istivin alone holds about seven thousand giants and humanoids. (he
frowns) And that doesn't even account for all the other hostile forces
elsewhere, across the land.
Mongo: It's true, the fallen capital city does have large numbers...but
there aren't that many giants. (he taps Stormcrest, which hangs at his
side) Not that giants are a problem when one is armed and motivated
properly. But the bulk of those seven thousand are weaker humanoids
such as ogres, hobgoblins, and such. And we have multiple reports of
them just about being out of food and other supplies. Which is to be
expected when you invade a foreign land and then mindlessly devour all
their livestock, burn all their fields, and kill most of their people.
The humanoids are stupid and lazy; while at first they were driven by
their own bloodlust and guided by ruthless leaders, their rope's about
played out at this point. (he slams a fist onto the table) They're at
their weakest point - a fast and powerful attack will break their morale
and give us an advantage!
Parekh: Not to mention the additional advantage offered by three mighty
Belphanior: (glancing to the other tables, where his team converses over
food and drink) Five mighty wizards. Plus others who are dangerous in
different ways. (he turns to Mongo) Which brings me back to the answer
to a question you asked last time we talked.
Mongo: Ah, yes. (he leans forward) How do we coordinate the main army
and your group, to most effectively enter Sterich, make the three-day
march to Istivin, and take the city...without destroying it and whatever
captured Sterish are kept within?
next: the plan is set in motion
released: 7/12/2024
notes: This was really a setup episode, but like most episodes of
late, it took me hours to write due to the large amount of background
research required. I was literally flipping back and forth between old
stories, maps, and TSR boxed sets the entire time I was writing this.
More than one person has suggested that, for this arc, I utilize the
"Istivin: City of Shadows" adventure published in Dungeon magazine
issues 117-119. I have chosen not to, because 1) it would complicate
the plotline I already had in mind, and 2) it takes place several years
in the future, after the current story year of 586 C.Y. It is possible
that some of its ideas could be brought into play later, but now is not
the time for that.
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next chapter (#1159)