Chapter #96
previous chapter (#95)
next chapter (#97)
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+ The various characters contained in these writings are +
+ copyright 1993 by Thomas Miller. Any resemblance to any +
+ persons or characters either real or fictional is utterly +
+ coincidental. Copying and/or distribution of these tales +
+ is permissible only under the sole condition that no part +
+ of them will be used or sold for profit. In that case, I +
+ hope you enjoy them... +
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+ Thomas Miller +
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+ Alindyar 11th level drow elf mage (N) +
+ Lyra 7th level female drow elf mage (N) +
+ Belphanior 8th/8th/9th level high elf w/m/t (CN) +
+ Ged 9th/9th level grey elf priest/mage (NG) +
+ Arnold 7th level human warrior (NG) +
+ Mongo 9th level dwarf warrior (CG) +
+ Peldor 12th level human thief (N) +
+ Rillen 9th level human warrior (N) +
* Flint Firelips (guest) dwarven warrior +
+ Date: 7/27/571 C.Y. (Common Year) +
+ Time: night +
+ Place: inside a fortress in a hostile land +
+ Climate: cool and dank, pervaded by the stench of decay +
+ "Only the good die young +
+ All the evil seem to live forever..." +
+ Iron Maiden +
XCVI. Prisoners
Everyone but Ged, Peldor, and Lyra (who escaped capture)
has wound up in a dark, damp, prison-type place.
A dim green patch of stone, no doubt the site of a
light spell, provided the only illumination. The exact
size of the chamber was indeterminable, but Mongo, Arnold,
and Alindyar were chained to one wall, while Rillen, Flint
Firelips, and Belphanior were chained to a perpendicular
section of wall. All six of the prisoners were silent and
Mongo: Ugh. (opens his eyes, only to find that he has
been stripped down to a loincloth and is chained to a
moldy stone wall) What the hell's going on here?
Rillen: (also chained nearby) We have been taken in
battle. (he notices that everyone present has been
chained and wears only a loincloth)
Mongo: We're prisoners. Fuck.
Belphanior: (already awake, he is struggling against
his chains) They took my sword! They took my picks!
They took everything!
Rillen: Whoever "they" are, they did not take our lives.
Belphanior: Not yet, anyway. Say, it _smells_ in here.
Arnold: (stirs, and then stands up) Whad are these
chains on me for? (begins trying to pull the chains
out of the wall, to no avail)
Mongo: Grr. This really makes me mad...
Rillen: (notices that everyone is chained apart from
each other, so that no one can reach anyone else)
Flint Firelips: (stands up shakily) Urgh.
Mongo: Hey, pal, you okay?
Flint Firelips: Yeah. Last thing I remember, I was
about to get away, with Ged and the others. Then...
zombie city! I wonder what happened.
Alindyar: (standing groggily) Ged and the other two
escaped, that is what happened. Hopefully they have
arrived at some means of liberating us from this
Mongo: With Peldor involved? Don't count on it.
Rillen: Hope springs eternal...
Mongo: What the hell was that spell, the one that
vampire-thing used on us? I feel like I've been
used as a punching bag for an ogre.
Belphanior: Yeah, me too. Some kind of black mists
that surrounded us...I've got to have that spell.
Alindyar: No doubt 'twas some manner of teleportation
magick. Perhaps with a predetermined destination
for those ensnared by it.
Arnold: And it also hurt!
Belphanior: I've really got to have that spell.
vampire lord: (strolls into the cell) What, do you
mean the Black Mists of Sarnath? Nifty spell, that.
I'm happy to say that I slew the inventor of that
spell myself. A sharp mage, he was, but too over-
confident in the end.
Belphanior: (notices the high quality of the fellow's
clothes) Boy, you're a well-dressed young vampire
fop, aren't you? You ought to be wearing rags, 'cause
you sure do stink like a graveyard.
vampire: What do you expect, after sleeping in earth
all day? You have a smart mouth, elf.
Belphanior: Yup. Go fuck yourself.
vampire: (slaps Belphanior, cracking his jaw and
draining two levels instantly) Silence!
Belphanior: (quiets down, and sags in his chains)
Ughk. (spits out blood and teeth, and stares at the
vampire in hatred)
vampire lord: (paying no further attention to the elf)
Mongo: Who the hell are you, anyway?
vampire lord: No one to be trifled with.
Rillen: Why did you not just kill us outright? Why
are we here? What do you want?
vampire lord: Well, it's like this. Powerful, mortal
adventurers like yourselves make excellent vampiric
Flint: (sputtering) Servants?!?
vampire lord: Minions, assassins, lieutenants, what
have you.
Flint: Oh.
vampire lord: So, truly skilled, experienced, powerful
adventurers are rare in these parts. Why, they're at
a veritable premium! (turns and stares right at Mongo)
And I simply _love_ converting would-be, has-been do-
gooders like you into my minions.
Mongo: (struggling with his chains) Take these damn
things off and I'll break your fuckin' neck...
vampire lord: Yes, I actually believe you would try.
No matter.
Alindyar: So you intend to transform us into undead
like yourself.
vampire lord: Basically, yes. Hmm, a drow mage. You
for one should come in handy.
Alindyar: I would not rely on that fact if I were you.
vampire lord: Oh, come now. You know better than that.
My power level is such that anyone who I make into an
undead, un-mortal being is bound to obey my commands.
Belphanior: (stands up, his jaw sagging) I gu- OUCH!
(talks a little bit more slowly) I guarantee you that
if I become one of your vampires, you will someday
find my blade in your back. Or your neck. Or some
strategic location like that. You will never control
me. Never.
vampire lord: Ah, the wills of you puny mortals often
surprise even me. Fortunately, I have accumulated a
variety of interests over the centuries...among them
a flair for the fine art of torture.
Belphanior: Torture?
vampire lord: Yes. (looks around, at all of the six
chained adventurers) You will be much more obedient
slaves after I have broken you. (snaps his fingers,
and a dozen ghouls slither into the cell) None of
you should be much trouble, with these lackeys here
to cart you away. Paralyzation touch, you know.
Mongo: Grr...
Igor: (lumbers into the cell) Massster!
vampire lord: (irritated) What is it, Igor?
Igor: I have newsss, massster! Come, come. (tries
to get the lord to step aside and listen to him)
vampire lord: Hold one moment, Igor. (to ghouls)
Take...the dwarf. (points to Mongo) Take him to
the torture chamber first.
Mongo: What's this one-at-a-time crap?!? Where-
(kicks at an approaching ghoul)
Belphanior: Take me first!
vampire lord: What's this?
Belphanior: Come on, you stinking lord of corpses and
rats! Take me first! You know that you can't break
me! I dare you to try! You damned coward!
vampire lord: Oh, very well. (taps a ghoul on the
shoulder and points to the elf) Take the elf, not
the dwarf. It really won't matter anyway, when all
is said and done.
ghouls: (swarm over Belphanior)
Belphanior: You guys smell awful. Been eating the
right kind of food lately?
ghoul: (uses a key to unlock the padlock holding the
elf's chains) Sssss...
ghouls: (they hold the elf tightly as he is slipped
from his bonds)
Belphanior: Aaaarrrrr! (kicks one ghoul, punches a
second, and makes a desperate lunge for the vampire
despite the ghouls that still have a grip on him)
Igor: (grabs the elf and twists his arm behind his
back with incredible strength) Hee, hee, hee. You
can't attack the masssster, fool!
ghouls: (subdue Belphanior)
vampire lord: I bet you're thinking, "Hey, he forgot
that elves are immune to ghoul paralyzation!" or some
such idea. Hm?
Belphanior: Well, actually, the thought did spring
into my mind.
vampire lord: You see, even if you broke free of all
the ghouls, even if you bypassed Igor here-
Igor: (grins dumbly)
vampire lord: -you would still be powerless to harm
me. I am superior to you in strength, speed, and
pure finesse. (suddenly grabs Belphanior by the
Belphanior: Ack! (begins choking as he loses two
more levels) Ack!
Igor: (dancing merrily) Get him, massster! Show him
why you're the massster!
vampire lord: (lifts the elf several feet above the
floor, with one arm) Do you see?
Mongo: Geez, he doesn't look that strong.
vampire lord: DO YOU SEE? (hurls the elf to the
floor disdainfully) Bah.
Belphanior: (can't even stand up)
ghouls: (take the elf and cart him away, as Igor and
the vampire lord confer outside the cell's door)
Mongo: When I get out of these chains, I'm gonna kick
that guy's ass...
Flint: Yeah, me too.
Rillen: That "Igor" toad is making me mad.
Alindyar: We are in dire need of a rescue.
vampire lord: (struts back in, Igor prancing at his
heels like a puppy) Ah! I have just received some
most splendid news!
Mongo: What's that, did one of your ghouls have a
litter of rotten babies or something?
vampire lord: Better! My minions in the nearby town
of Ren have reported that three adventurers have just
arrived from the wilderness. Now I wonder who in the
world _they_ could be?
Rillen: Keep on laughing, fang-face. You will never
capture them without much bloodshed.
vampire lord: Blood...hmm, time for dinner. (turns
his attention back to the prisoners) No, actually,
I'm not going to have anyone attack them. Not yet.
I shall let them come to me, with the idea that you
can be rescued. And then...ah...another drow mage,
and an elven priest of Boccob! What prizes they
shall be!
Mongo: (looks at the vampire lord) Is this all just
a game to you, or what?
vampire lord: (rubs his chin, and ponders) Basically,
yes. A game! Come, Igor! (departs, his cloaks
swirling about his frame) I will see the rest of
you shortly. It's going to be a long night!
Igor: (runs along behind his master, making faces
at the chained adventurers) Hee, hee.
Rillen: If we get out of this, the one called Igor
is mine.
Belphanior was led through a dark passageway by the
ghouls. His hands and feet were in manacles, and he
caused metallic jingling sounds with every step. The
undead took him around a corner, and through a door
or two, then around another corner, finally entering
a large room with a high, vaulted ceiling. The elf's
hands were chained to a larger link of thick chain
coming down from the darkened ceiling area, and thus
he was shackled, his feet barely touching the stones
of the floor. The ghouls left abruptly.
Belphanior: Ugh. (looks up) Where are you stinking
bastards going? Hey, come back here!
ghouls: (gone)
Belphanior: Shit. (looks around, noting with some
interest the variety of knives and tongs and such
implements, laid out neatly on a series of shelves)
I don't like the looks of this place.
vampire lord: (appears from nowhere) And well you
shouldn't, my friend.
Belphanior: I'm not your fucking friend.
vampire lord: (picks up a long, toothpick-width
metal spike) Of course not. Allow me to show you
the reason why...(approaches the chained elf)
Belphanior: (clenching his fists) Keep away from
vampire lord: In fact, you may come to regret the
multitude of reasons that I can come up with...
Mongo: I wonder where they took Belphanior?
Alindyar: 'Tis foul work being done this night.
Rillen: Where-
There was a loud, piercing scream from somewhere
Mongo: Fuck.
Flint: Sounds like Belphanior, all right.
Mongo: Yeah. In total agony.
Alindyar: (shivers) I wonder what is happening to
him, to make him scream like that?
Arnold: I am nod sure I want to find oud.
Rillen: Someone will pay for this.
Another scream split the night air, and then another.
They continued, in fact, for quite some time, while the
others could only fume in their chains. Eventually,
there was a commotion in the hallway, and some ghouls
came in, dragging Belphanior's bloody form behind them.
The elf was re-chained in the cell, but just lay crumpled
on the cold stone floor, unconscious. The ghouls began
unshackling Rillen, who of course resisted but was quickly
paralyzed. The pack bore the large warrior's unmoving
form out of the cell, and shortly, all was silent once
Arnold: Belphandior.
Mongo: Damn, if not for these chains, I could help him.
Alindyar: What have they done to him?
Flint: Those look like puncture holes, see? There.
And there. And there...
Arnold: Aie.
Mongo: Geez, there must be dozens.
Though quite some time passed, no screams were heard
from wherever the torture chamber was.
Belphanior: (stirs) Aargh.
Mongo: Hey. Hey! Are you okay?
Belphanior: (rolls over and regards the others) Ugh...
of course not. (breathes, and blood bubbles from his
mouth and nose) Ow.
Arnold: Whad did dhey do to you?
Belphanior: Pain...the pain! Argh.
Mongo: Was it bad?
Belphanior: No, I liked it. (laughs painfully) Agh.
Alindyar: This is no time to make jokes. (looks up)
Alas, I fear that I may not survive such torture...
Belphanior: agh...actually, I passed out...urgh.
Mongo: I'm gonna break that fucker's neck when the
ghouls open this chain...
Belphanior: (slowly turns to face the dwarf) No...
agh...forget it. No chance. Ooogh.
Mongo: Quit moving around. Try to rest.
Belphanior: (passes out again)
About ten minutes later, Rillen was brought back. He
seemed wide awake, though his wounds were at least as
grievous as Belphanior's. The ghouls left without taking
anyone else with them.
Mongo: Hey, maybe it's break time or something.
Alindyar: Friend Rillen, how fare you?
Rillen: (resting in his chains, leaning on the wall)
I am not well. The vampire tried to make me scream,
but I refused. (holds up both hands) Even when he
broke all of my fingers.
Flint: Cripes.
Arnold: Dhis is not good.
Rillen: I think he was mad - he spoke of "going out for
a bite" as I was being taken back here.
Mongo: Hmph.
Alindyar: With any luck, he has given up for the night.
roach: (wandering around in one of the small pools of
blood near Belphanior)
Belphanior: (rolls over and smashes the thing with one
fist) Damned bugs...argh...(passes out again)
Mongo: It's gonna be a long night.
Alindyar: Or couple of nights.
next time : the rescue begins!
ftp site :, in pub/adnd/fluff/adventurers
notes : Sorry if this is a bit graphic...I'm setting
a mood of despair.
previous chapter (#95)
next chapter (#97)