$252 million for ten years of work?

I've got so much I could rant about, but the high school kid from Finland who's been sending me hate mail will have to wait, because something more important is here: idiotic baseball salary demands.

I'm not even going to speak a position on this, but rather refer to you a quote posted shortly before Alex Rodriguez signed with the Rangers: "While Boras wouldn't address the real figures being offered, he said a 'precarious part' of negotiations was putting together a 10-to-12-year deal that also gives a player the right to opt out after several years."

Excuse me?

Isn't the point of a big long-term contract to keep the player in one place for a while?

Give me a break, Scott Boras, agent to the superstars. Take your wheeling and dealing and work on this country's teachers, or firefighters, or police officers, or someone who could use more money for doing a far more important job. Fuck you, Scott Boras.

On a semi-related tangent, it looks like we're going to see yet another players' strike in October 2001. I'm sure this came about because of the escalating level of BS involved with these people's salaries.

It's sad, and it's enough to make a baseball fan hate the game. Or, at least, this era of the game.