Chugging Along Toward Episode 1000...

Monday 28 December 2015

So as you know by now, I had episode 999 released just before Christmas. As mentioned in its "notes" section, I really have no excuse for the months-long delay. For what it's worth, my softball career is likely nearing its end (or at least a slowing down to one day a week) as I'm older, am playing in pain, and most importantly, only need about 70 hits to reach 3000 for my playing career. anyway. The big question for me for episode 1000 is, do I want to integrate the Greyhawk Wars into the world of my stories, or not? (If I do, it will almost certainly happen in episode 1000.) It's one of those decisions that, once I make it, there's no going back. And this is one reason why the last few episodes have taken me longer to write...because I knew I was approaching this point. And now, I'm here.

To be continued. I've gotta do some deep thinking here.

In other news, there are actually 13 movies that I would consider seeing in the theater in 2016. This is a record. Here they are:

January 8The Hateful Eight
February 12Deadpool
March 25Batman/Superman Dawn of Justice
May 6Captain America: Civil War
May 27X-Men: Apocalypse
July 22Star Trek Beyond
July 29The Bourne Betrayal
August 5Suicide Squad
August 26Mechanic: Resurrection
September 23The Magnificent Seven
October 21Jack Reacher: Never Go Back
November 4Doctor Strange
December 16Star Wars: Rogue One